Meetings Kilkenny County Council 2015

Agendas and Minutes of the Ordinary, Annual and Special Meetings of Kilkenny County Council

Kilkenny County Council Agendas and Minutes 2015

JanuaryPlenary Meeting: 19 January, 2015AgendaMinutes
FebruaryPlenary Meeting: 16 February, 2015AgendaMinutes
MarchPlenary Meeting: 23 Marh, 2015AgendaMinutes
 Special Meeting: 30 March, 2015 Minutes
AprilPlenary Meeting: 20 April, 2015AgendaMinutes
MayPlenary Meeting: 18 May, 2015AgendaMinutes
 Special Meeting: 27 May, 2015AgendaMinutes
JuneAnnual Meeting: 5 June, 2015 Minutes
 Plenary Meeting: 15 June, 2015AgendaMinutes
JulyPlenary Meeting: 20 July, 2015AgendaMinutes
 Special Meeting: 31 July, 2015 Minutes
AugustThere is no meeting in August  
SeptemberPlenary Meeting: 21 September, 2015AgendaMinutes
 Special Meeting: 25 September, 2015 Minutes
OctoberPlenary Meeting: 19 October, 2015AgendaMinutes
NovemberPlenary Meeting: 16 November, 2015AgendaMinutes
DecemberPlenary Meeting: 21 DecemberAgendaMinutes



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