Kilkenny Barn Owl Talk 15th of August 2023 7.30 pm Kilkenny River Court Hotel

Free presentation by John Lusby, BirdWatch Ireland and the Kilkenny branch of BirdWatch Ireland

A free presentation by John Lusby, BirdWatch Ireland and the Kilkenny branch of BirdWatch Ireland and hosted by the Heritage Office of Kilkenny County Council, which will celebrate one of our most iconic birds and their changing fortunes in Kilkenny in recent years. Through footage, images and tales of personal experiences studying Barn Owls, John will explore why the Barn Owl is so special in Irish culture and in the Irish countryside, the results of a recent survey of Barn Owls in the county and what the future holds for Barn Owl population in Kilkenny and elsewhere, as well as experiences of local farmers who have encouraged Barn Owls to their land.  This event is supported by the National Parks & Wildlife Service under the National Biodiversity Action Plan (2017-2021).

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Heritage Week takes place between the 12th-20th August.  There are over 40 events taking place in County Kilkenny over the week.  To view all the events, go to;


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