Burial Grounds
There are many burial grounds across County Kilkenny:-
- Old burial grounds that are now closed for interments
- Parish owned and operated burial grounds (please contact the Parish Priest to purchase a plot or view burial records)
- Kilkenny County Council owned and operated burial grounds
Purchase of Burial Plot vested in Kilkenny County Council
An individual may acquire a burial plot and the Burial Ground Caretaker will assist in identifying burial plots available, either by reference to the Burial Ground Map, or by visiting the Burial Ground. The fee for an individual burial plot, at one of the Burial Grounds listed on the attached schedule is €165.00; the fee for a double burial plot is €330.00. Please contact 056 7794470 for contact details for burial ground caretakers.
St. Kieran's Cemetery, Hebron Road, Kilkenny City is administered by City Hall, High Street, Kilkenny. Further information on the rules and regulation and associated fees for St. Kieran's Cemetary for the purchase of a burial plot is available from City Hall - phone 056 7794532.
Burial Records
Records of all burial plots allocated and all burials vested in Kilkenny County Council are maintained by the Caretaker or Registrar. Further information is available from the Environment Section - phone 056 7794470, e-mail environment@kilkennycoco.ie.
Kilkenny County Council has guidelines and criteria for erection of headstones at burial grounds. Before any work commences at the burial plot, an Application Form to Erect a Headstone must be completed and submitted to the Environment Section, Kilkenny County Council, and permission must be granted, which will stipulate certain conditions. The form may be downloaded, or can be obtained directly from the Environment Section. There is no fee for this application.
Exhumation Licence
Kilkenny County Council administers Exhumation Licence Applications. An Exhumation Licence Application Form may be obtained directly from the Environment Section (phone 056 7794470). Completed application forms should be returned to the Environment Section, accompanied by a fee of €63.49. Exhumation Licences are legislated for under the Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act, 1948, as amended by Local Government Act, 1994.
Community Groups
Grants may be available for Community Groups from Kilkenny County Council towards the maintenance and upkeep of burial grounds including the Amenity Grant Scheme. Guidance in relation to the maintenance of burial grounds is included in the Care and Conservation of Historic Graveyards Booklet.
Graveyard Grant Scheme
Kilkenny County Council prepares a grant scheme to assist Community Groups/Organisations in the management and maintenance of local graveyards annually.
Any recognised Community Group/ Organisation can apply.
Projects eligible for funding include:
- graveyard maintenance, including appropriate works to help pollinators
- graveyard recording schemes
- heritage studies of graveyards
- costs associated with providing Public Liability Insurance
Further information on the scheme are available from the
Environment Section,
Kilkenny County Council,
County Hall,
John Street, Kilkenny.
Tel: (056) 779-4470
or environment@kilkennycoco.ie
In this Section